TK/K Classroom

Our TK/K students investigate through hands-on learning in and outside of the classroom. Literature accompanies us on our investigations of; science, history, geography, culture, art, math and more! Our beautiful park-like campus sets the stage for investigative play outdoors.

Grade Pods 1-8

All grade pods will investigate these subjects, at their level, through our class rotation system. We will offer Physical Education, Math, English and Creative Arts on Wednesdays; and Outdoor Activities, Science, History/Literature and Creative Arts on Fridays.


Physical Education: We build stronger and healthier bones for life through fun filled games and activities.

Math: We will increase interest in the subject of math through class discussions, exercises and activities.

English: We will focus on what is typically called Language Arts: handwriting, grammar, reading various paragraphs/stories/books and evaluating them, and writing.

Creative Arts: This is a fun class for students of all ages. It will focus on multiple different mediums of art including music, acting and painting. Throughout the semester as each medium is studied, each class session will focus on a new skill related to the art-form being learned.


Outdoor Activities: Hands-on learning for survival situations and ways to thrive through natural means.

Science: We will increase interest in the subject of science through class discussions, experiments, studies and activities.

History/Literature: Grade Pods 1-2 and 3-4 will dive deep into the Middle Ages. We will discover what it was like to live in that time period, learn about major historical events along with reading about the people of that time. Stories, videos, creating a lapbook and working on various craft projects will aid in our understanding of this historical time period. Grade Pods 5-6 and 7-8 will study World History through the lens of the Star Wars story-line, using movies I-VIII, and relate most of the characters and story to real people and real world events.  A few topics to be covered are: American Revolution, Women in War, Joan of Arc, the Hundred Years War, the Knights Templar, Civil Wars, Dictators, Nazi Germany, Ancient Rome, Cycles of History, Types of Government, the Manhattan Project, Slavery, and the Dutch East India Company.

Creative Arts: This is a fun class for students of all ages. It will focus on multiple different mediums of art including music, acting and painting. Throughout the semester as each medium is studied, each class session will focus on a new skill related to the art-form being learned.

Social Hour

An optional, private pay, Social Hour after classes on BOTH Wednesday and Friday from 1:30-2:30 is offered for FUN, games and community time.